What’s two-way charging?

Two-way charging is a two-way solar tariff for residential and business solar customers. It’s designed to: 

  • encourage customer to use the electricity they generate rather than exporting it to the grid, when too much solar is sent back to the grid and/or,
  • encourage customers to export excess energy generated at times when it’s needed the most. 

Why do we need two-way charging?

The electricity grid was originally designed for us to receive energy to our home and businesses, but now we also export energy from rooftop solar back to the grid. 

In the next decade, the number of homes and businesses in Australia with rooftop solar systems, batteries and electric vehicles will increase. This has resulted in a strain on Australia’s electricity grid that was not designed to send electricity two ways. This means the way we manage exporting excess solar energy back to the grid needs to change.  
In 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) identified we need to support the integration of rooftop solar more efficiently into the electricity grid. One solution is the introduction of two-way charging. 

When will two-way charging be introduced?

From 1 July 2024, distributors in New South Wales (NSW) will introduce an opt-in two-way tariff for residential and small business solar customers.  It’s up to the energy retailers to decide how they will pass on the two-way tariff fees and charges to our customers. 

Residential and business customers in the Essential distribution area that are placed on a time of use tariff after 1 July 2024, will automatically be on two-way charging. However, charges and credits won’t occur until 1 July 2025, and we’ll let our customers know the details in advance. 

These changes have generated some media interest in NSW and distributors have started to communicate information about the two-way tariff changes.  

South Australia (SA) and Queensland (QLD) will introduce two-way charging from 1 July 2025. We’ll continue to update this page when we know more. 

Can I opt into two-way charging?

Yes, you can opt in for the two-way charging structure .