Electricity and gas

Small business - Sign up online and we'll take care of your energy
Important information for existing customers about energy bill support.
Queensland and NSW customers may be impacted by a power outage due to Cyclone Alfred. If you're a customer with life support equipment at your home, please follow your outage plan, or call 000 if it's an emergency. Find out more about getting support if you need it on our blog.
If you have an ABN your premises may be eligible for commercial solar. Solar power is an affordable way to lower your electricity costs.
There are several types of grants, rebates and incentives that business customers with solar power can be eligible for.
Help and support
SME Sales Team
Locked Bag 14060
Melbourne City Mail Centre
VIC 8001
Level 19, Two Melbourne Quarter
697 Collins Street
Docklands VIC 3008
Call +61 3 8628 1000
Monday to Friday