Energy monitoring
The more you know about energy usage in your business the more you can control it. We will work with you to design a solar PV system that delivers the level of monitoring your individual circumstances require. A range of options for monitoring generation and/or usage annually, or for the life of your system are available.
These can include advanced monitoring through solar analytics and smart metering. This allows you to see in real time how your onsite energy consumption is tracking against your solar generation. It can also inform you of system underperformance or faults.
We can work with your business to determine the monitoring capabilities that will allow more efficient management of energy usage.

Energy management
We can work with you to understand the requirements of your business. We can then implement a program of strategies and devices to make energy management more efficient and streamlined.

Voltage optimisation
Voltage optimisation is an electricity saving strategy and/or a device that controls reduction in the voltages received by a commercial energy consumer. Options include a fixed voltage adjustment or electronically regulating voltage automatically. Voltage optimisation systems are usually installed in series with the mains electrical supply to buildings and should be sized correctly for specific supplies.
Echo Group Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 34 158 561 927 is part of the EnergyAustralia group and supplies and installs solar, battery and related products to customers.