Fixed Rate Demand Response
Our ReponsePro initiative enables more businesses to participate in demand response with no or minimal set up costs. The optional offer enables customers to derive a revenue stream from actions such as operational curtailment, switching on underutilised generation assets or simply turning up thermostats 1-2 degrees.
Events are easy to participate in, typically lasting between 1-4 hours. Customers are usually notified the day prior with a final notice at least 30 minutes prior. Participation is optional with no penalties for not participating, customers simply need to respond to our notification SMS to opt out.
Consumption reduction off your baseline is credited on your electricity invoice at a fixed $ per kWh rate.
To find out more about ResponsePro please contact your account manager, our dedicated service team or submit an online query.
ResponsePro Frequently asked questions
ResponsePro is a Demand Response program where you contribute to reducing electricity consumption from the grid by changing your normal electricity usage at times of peak demand e.g. turning down a high usage operational process
As a participant you can be financially rewarded for reducing peak electricity usage, you can unlock revenue streams for existing assets, and you can improve your sustainability credentials as reduced peak electricity usage helps transition to a cleaner energy future.
You are only able to participate in one Demand Response program unless EnergyAustralia has provided prior written consent. This applies to any Demand Response program offered by EnergyAustralia or a third party for the duration of a contract (where applicable).
Yes, you can participate across multiple sites. You will be rewarded for the cumulative usage reduction across all the sites.
If you change retailers for your electricity supply, you will no longer be eligible to participate in the ResponsePro program.
There are no fees for exiting ResponsePro . If you wish to exit provide notice in writing and we will no longer send event notifications to you. It could take up to 92 days for your request to be finalised.
Remember that participation in events is your choice, every time. You can choose how you respond to event notifications so you remain fully in control. You do not need to exit the program to avoid an event.
A event where EnergyAustralia will ask you to reduce your energy usage for a specific period of time.
We will send an SMS to the mobile number you have provided when we know of an event. This will be up to 24 hours prior to the event and it will advise when the event will start and end.
We try to give as much notice as possible but the notice may be short. On some occasions the notice could be as little as a few minutes prior to the event. As always, you can choose whether you participate or not, so if it’s not convenient for you, that’s ok.
We’ll then confirm the event has started with an SMS. The conclusion of the event will also be notified with an SMS, so you know you can return to normal usage.
Events are likely to be between 1 and 4 hours in duration.
Events are most likely to be held between 10am - 10pm on weekdays.
Your safety, and the safety of your personnel, is a paramount consideration for EnergyAustralia. You should not participate in an event where any resulting energy reduction will result in discomfort or injury to anyone in the business.
There isn’t a planned number of events. This is because events can be triggered by unplanned occurrences like extreme weather. Event participation is always optional for you.
Main ways of reducing your energy usage during an event are to manually turn down your operations after you receive the event notification.
- Reduce on site energy usage e.g. turn down high usage operations
- Run existing on site generation e.g. run backup generator to reduce usage at site
- Dispatch on site energy storage e.g. discharge energy stored in batteries to reduce the amount you draw from the grid
Please remember that safety is never negotiable so if modifying certain operations could be harmful to anyone, you should not do so during an event. Please consider this when deciding whether to participate in an event.
Within a few days of an event, we’ll let you know how much energy you saved as well as any rewards you earned.
You will be notified by SMS if an event has been cancelled.
If an event is rescheduled, you will receive an SMS with the new time for the event.
Financial Rewards
You will be credited $2/kWh for your usage reduction by comparing your actual usage during the event to a baseline of what your usage would have been if the event had not occurred.
A detailed explanation of the baseline calculation used for ResponsePro is available here.
From 1st October 2021 the NEM moves from a 30-minute Trading Interval settlement to a 5-minute Trading Interval settlement. For ResponsePro, the change to the Trading Interval does not affect the outcome of the payment calculation. For other demand response programs where payment is based on the Regional Reference Price, the 30-minute Trading Interval will be used in the calculation of the CAISO10 Baseline if 5-minute Trading Interval meter data is unavailable.
All credits that you earn through the ResponsePro program will be applied to your electricity account on a following bill. They will appear on your bill as a ResponsePro PowerDown payment under the adjustments section on the bill, with the $ credit amount.
Speak to your account manager about PowerDown payments. They can arrange for the amount to be investigated.