Operating in a remote coastal area in South Australia, Cathedral Rocks’ 31 wind turbines have a total generating capacity of 62MW.

Cathedral Rocks is located near the southern tip of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, approximately 30km south west of Port Lincoln. Situated on private farming land, the site covers about 29km², with a coastal exposure of nearly 11km.
The wind farm consists of 31 wind turbines (2MW each), each having a blade diameter of 80 metres, erected on 60-metre towers. The wind turbines were supplied by Danish manufacturer, Vestas. Development began in July 2004 and the wind farm became fully operational in May 2007.
Cathedral Rocks wind farm is a joint-venture project between EnergyAustralia and Acciona Energy. Both companies have 50% equity in the wind farm and asset management services are provided by Acciona.
For more information about the Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm visit the Acciona website.
Contact us
Phone: 1800 283 550
Email: cathedralrocks@acciona.com
Cathedral Rocks community
Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm is proud to be part of the Port Lincoln community and is committed to engaging in a consultative, transparent and approachable manner.
For more information about the Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm visit the Acciona website.
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please get in touch.
Contact us
Phone: 1800 283 550
Email: cathedralrocks@acciona.com