Get a dedicated team of business energy experts and
less than the electricity reference price
Lowest possible price of $4,977 (incl. GST) for an average business using 10,000 kWh per year on a flat tariff in the SA Power Networks area.
Eligible SA business customers who sign up to Business Balance Plan only. Conditions apply. Your bill will differ based on your usage. Basic Plan Information Documents are available at energyaustralia.com.au/bpid. We also have a standing offer available below.
Get a dedicated team of business energy experts and
less than the Victorian Default Offer
Lowest possible price of $5,276 (incl. GST) for an average business using 20,000 kWh per year on a flat tariff in the CitiPower network area
Eligible Vic business customers who sign up to Business Balance Plan only. Conditions apply. Your bill will differ based on your usage and network area. Fact sheets available at energyaustralia.com.au/efs. For clear advice on the right plan for you contact us on 1800 709 510. We also have a standing offer available below.
Get a dedicated team of business energy experts and
less than the electricity reference price
Lowest possible price of $3,874 (incl. GST) for an average business using 10,000 kWh per year on a flat tariff in the Ausgrid network area.
Eligible NSW business customers who sign up to Business Balance Plan only. Conditions apply. Your bill will differ based on your usage and network area. Basic Plan Information Documents are available at energyaustralia.com.au/bpid. We also have a standing offer available below.
Get a dedicated team of business energy experts and
less than the electricity reference price
Lowest possible price of $3,835 (incl. GST) for an average business using 10,000 kWh per year on a flat tariff in the Energex network area.
Eligible QLD business customers who sign up to Business Balance Plan only. Conditions apply. Your bill will differ based on your usage. Basic Plan Information Documents are available at energyaustralia.com.au/bpid. We also have a standing offer available below.