Ready to take the next step?​

What is demand response?

Be financially rewarded for reducing your energy use and make a vital contribution to a more sustainable future

As Australia makes the transition to a cleaner energy future, there will be times when the increased demand for electricity can present a risk of shortages or blackouts, especially in times of extreme weather or when there’s a lack of available energy supply.

Having flexible capacity in the grid will increasingly become essential for maintaining the balance between supply and demand. That’s why EnergyAustralia’s demand response programs have been designed as a way for our Commercial & Industrial customers to help make a vital contribution to relieving pressure on the grid, while also being rewarded when they reduce their energy use during peak events.

How does demand response work?

During periods of electricity system stress, EnergyAustralia may call upon qualifying customers to activate their demand response plan, to help relieve pressure in the electricity grid. In turn, we provide financial compensation to boost your bottom line.

Before making the decision to take part in the program you should establish whether your business has capacity to either:

     ● temporarily turn off or significantly reduce electricity use, or

     ● offset consumption from the grid by switching to standby generators or batteries.

If your business can achieve either of these and you would like to learn more, reach out directly to your account manager or register your interest via the form at the top of this page. A demand response manager will contact you to determine which program is best suited to your business.

Be part of the solution and be rewarded

$4.6 million in benefits paid

In the last few years, EnergyAustralia has paid out more than $4.6m to over 1,200 Commercial & Industrial customers for demand response participation

Significant rewards for large customers

A number of larger business customers have earned over $250,000 for participating in a single demand response event.

Guaranteed minimum payments for participation

Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT), Market Demand Response (MDR) and ResponsePro guarantee a minimum payment per kWh of energy curtailed.

Obligation free, penalty free

Signing up to a demand response program does not oblige your business to participate in any event. It simply means you may be contacted when demand response is needed.

There is a demand response program to suit the individual needs of many types of businesses

Which program works for you?

We understand that businesses vary in their ability to scale up and down their energy use, and the level of stand-by generation or storage they have available. That’s why we have tailored different programs to suit many different capabilities.

EnergyAustralia offers four demand response programs. Depending on your type of business, you may be eligible to participate in multiple programs to maximise the potential benefits.

Energy Marketplace

Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT)

RERT is an instrument used by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) as a last resort mechanism to help maintain power system reliability and security.


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Energy Marketplace

Market Demand Response (MDR)

Market Demand Response (MDR) is an internal EnergyAustralia program, designed to put downward pressure on energy prices and support a lower cost transition to renewable energy.


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Energy Marketplace



ResponsePro has been specifically developed by EnergyAustralia to enable small-medium sized customers to participate in and reap financial rewards from demand response participation.

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Energy Marketplace

Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS)

FCAS provides a fast reduction of energy from the electricity grid to stabilise grid frequency.


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Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT)

Market Demand Response (MDR)


Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS)

How EnergyAustralia can help with a demand response program that best suits your business

Technical advice and expertise

Our expert Commercial & Industrial team are here to help you maximise your opportunities, with everything from checking your eligibility for demand response to implementing automation.

To find out more, register your interest here

Technical advice and expertise

Frequently asked questions