Energy is changing and the entire system is being remade, harnessing the sun and wind. Our strategy is to make this transition simple for all our customers.
We're combining small scale technologies for home and for business with our growing flexible energy portfolio.
Our strategy at a glance

We've committed $1 billion to developments, plans and initiatives to achieve this, including:
- Our Solar Home Bundle plan, where eligible customers in NSW can get a solar and battery system installed, at no upfront cost and a competitive usage rate for the contract term
- Announcing the retirement of Yallourn power station in mid-2028, which will reduce our carbon emissions by 60 per cent relative to today. Providing a multimillion-dollar support package and seven years' notice of the closure helps our people prepare for the transition out of coal
- Development of the 300MW Tallawarra B gas/hydrogen peaking plant at Lake Illawarra in New South Wales, the 350MW Wooreen utility scale battery in Victoria's Latrobe Valley and we're looking at the possibility of building the 300MW Lake Lyell pumped hydro project
- Underwriting the 250MW Kidston pumped hydro project in north Queensland and the 90MW Darlington Point and Riverina batteries

Pictured: With Solar Home Bundle we're installing solar and battery systems on homes across NSW
Measuring success
We'll be measuring success on how well we:
- deliver products and services for customers seeking a simple grid and behind-the-meter solution
- develop a faster, more competitive customer business
- expand our storage and flexible generation portfolio to support renewables
- supply reliable energy to support the clean energy transition
- harness new technology that anticipates our customers' needs
- strengthen the trust that our customers, people, partners, and the communities we operate in, have in us
- ensure we have the brightest minds working for us by providing a great place to work.