There are plenty of ways you can pay your small business bill – simply choose the one that suits you best.
If you’ve signed on to an energy plan, you may have agreed to a certain payment method as part of your market contract with us. Refer to your contract terms and conditions for more details.
Direct Debit
Direct Debit is the simple way to ensure your bills are paid on time, every time. You'll still receive your bill to review before the payment is automatically deducted. Simply print out the form, fill it in and send it back to us.
Credit card
You can pay your bill quickly and securely with your credit card through our online payment services. We accept MasterCard®, and Visa and American Express® credit cards and debit cards. A credit card merchant service fee may apply.
Make a credit card payment online

Contact your bank, building society or credit union to make payments from your account. Your biller code can be found on your latest bill.
Post your cheque or money order with your payment slip (payable to EnergyAustralia) to the address shown on your bill.
Australia Post
Take your bill to any Australia Post outlet to pay by cash or cheque. An over the counter payment fee of $1.91 (incl. GST) may apply. To pay over the phone with Australia Post, you can call 131 816. A credit card merchant service fee may apply. Your biller code can be found on your latest bill.
Centrepay through Centrelink
Centrepay is a voluntary payment method offered by Centrelink and available to all customers receiving Centrelink payments. Call us and we’ll set up a regular funds transfer for you.
Additional payment information
A personalised instalment plan for your business
With our personalised instalment plan you can pay your energy accounts in regular affordable instalments designed to suit your particular circumstances. Call us for more details and to activate this option.
Late payment fee
A late payment fee may be charged to overdue accounts. If you’re worried you can’t pay on time, call us as soon as possible.
Request a payment extension
Need more time to make a payment? You can submit a request for an extension on your bill.