
October 3, 2022

EnergyAustralia today released its annual Energy Charter Disclosure outlining improvements in serving and supporting its 1.6 million customers during 2021-22 and initiatives underway to lead and accelerate the clean energy transition.

EnergyAustralia Managing Director Mark Collette said, “We made good progress for our customers in 2021-22, against a challenging backdrop. We understand, however, there is still much to do to support our customers, people, and communities during this difficult period while making the investments needed to lead and accelerate the clean energy transition.”

EnergyAustralia Energy Charter Disclosure Key Points
• Continued to invest in the transition to a clean energy future with new forms of dispatchable capacity to complement increasing renewable generation.
⎯ Partnering with Edify Energy on two new battery projects at Riverina and Darlington Point in NSW.
⎯ Progressing construction of the 316-megawatt (MW) gas and hydrogen-powered Tallawarra B in NSW and the pumped hydro storage project at Kidston in Queensland.
⎯ Commenced planning for the Wooreen Battery at Jeeralang, Victoria, and technical investigations for a proposed pumped hydro project at Lake Lyell in NSW.
• Continued to provide customers with a reliable energy supply at a competitive price while helping simplify the energy transition. A strong customer experience saw a churn rate of 3.7 per cent below the rest of the market.
• Supported around 23,000 retail customers experiencing vulnerability through our EnergyAssist program and confirmed our policies responded effectively to The Energy Charter 2021 Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) Report.
• EnergyAustralia’s gas portfolio supported customers through the supply crisis with the operation of its gas-fired generation fleet at Hallett, Tallawarra, Jeeralang, and Newport power stations, running up to seven times the output in similar periods of other years.
• With untimely outages at the Yallourn and other power stations, EnergyAustralia worked hard to maintain output and introduced daily updates on our operational performance to increase operational transparency for customers.

Mr Collette added: “As we navigate this transition, what matters most for customers is that the energy industry works together to provide simple and integrated solutions, particularly for vulnerable customers, and collaborates to ensure we get the basics right.

“We know our customers find it hard to ask for help, particularly amidst the current cost of living pressures and the adverse weather events we have been experiencing. This means our work to identify those experiencing payment difficulties is more important than ever. Later this year, we will provide a new self-service option for customers experiencing hardship, making it easier to access help and support.”

EnergyAustralia is a founding signatory to the Energy Charter, a national initiative that supports the energy sector towards a customer-centric future focused on improving customer service, affordability, reliability and sustainability.

A full copy of the EnergyAustralia Energy Charter Disclosure is available at