
April 14, 2023

EnergyAustralia has welcomed seven new apprentices from the local Lithgow and Bathurst area to its Mt Piper power station.   

Head of Mt Piper, Steve Marshall, said this is double the number of apprentices that the power station – which provides electricity to over a million New South Wales homes – usually takes on. 

“Bringing on apprentices is a great way for us to build up our future workforce. 

“We have workers who have enjoyed long careers at Mt Piper and they’re now thinking about retirement.  They’re looking forward to mentoring new talent, some of whom are coming straight from high school and others older.

“These new apprentices will get the benefit of learning from people with decades of experience, and as these workers retire, we’re hoping the apprentices will help fill the void.   

“Once the seven apprentices complete their four years of training, they’ll be fully qualified tradespeople with long and rewarding careers ahead of them.  

“EnergyAustralia is always looking for enthusiastic apprentices. We’d encourage anyone interested in starting their career at Mt Piper to look out for our local newspaper ads in June. 

“We also hold apprenticeship information afternoons, with the next one scheduled for September. It’s a great opportunity to come to Mt Piper, tour the power station and learn what it’s like to be an apprentice here.  We also engage with local schools, offering interested students work experience on site,” said Steve.