
September 15, 2022

Key Points

  • EnergyAustralia is providing good supply into the system.
  • Three units at Yallourn in Victoria are online and running at or near full capacity. The fourth unit is offline for repairs (return to service date to be advised once the repairs are fully scoped).
  • Both units at Mt Piper in New South Wales are stable and in operation.
  • EnergyAustralia’s gas assets at Newport, Tallawarra and Hallett are all online and available. The generator at Jeeralang is running at reduced capacity.
  • The EnergyAustralia team is working hard to keep pumping power into the system to support our 1.6 million customers.


Sustainability is part of who we are and how we operate. 

We know our business can have impacts on the environment and the community.

Today communities rightly expect big companies to operate responsibly and sustainably. At EnergyAustralia we believe any decision we make or any project we do should be socially and environmentally acceptable.

Download EnergyAustralia’s climate statement here