
Key Points                                                       

  • EnergyAustralia has paused billing and associated activities for customers who live in postcodes impacted by the flooding in parts of NSW.
  • EnergyAustralia stands available to support any NSW customers affected by the flooding.
  • Customers experiencing financial difficulty are encouraged to reach out (small businesses dial 1800 146 749, residential customers dial 133 466).
  • EnergyAustralia continues to work around the clock to make our generation available to supply homes and businesses.

Statement attributed to Mark Brownfield, Chief Customer Officer at EnergyAustralia:   

Our heart goes out to the communities of NSW. Our thoughts are with residents in the various regions who remain on alert for more severe weather.

“We have suspended issuing energy bills for thousands of customers and paused collection activities in areas that have been evacuated by the NSW State Emergency Service.

“Customers don’t have to do anything as we’ve applied these measures automatically. The last thing we want our customers worrying about are their energy bills.

“We will send every customer an SMS to let them know their energy bill has been put on hold. They will be provided the option to recommence billing if they prefer.

“We encourage customers who need a continuous supply of power for their life support equipment to have their back-up plans ready to go in the event there are power losses, and to contact us with any questions.

“While no amount of planning can fully protect us against natural disasters, we continue to work closely with network distributors to monitor any impacts to energy availability.

“Our priority is supporting our customers. We’ll continue to keep you informed of any impacts to services on our website (

“For customers who have been impacted by recent adverse weather events, our EnergyAssist team is providing priority assistance. We encourage those who require assistance to call us on 1800 120 084.

“EnergyAustralia’s power station teams are ensuring there is good supply into the system to support households and businesses.

“There are currently three units online at Yallourn power station in Victoria and the team is working hard to return another unit to service within the next week.

“One of the online Yallourn units is expected to come offline for maintenance in the coming days.

“EnergyAustralia’s gas assets have been running seven times the volume compared with the same period last year, playing an important role of keeping the lights on for customers. 

“We continue to consult with the Australian Energy Market Operator on the availability of our generating assets across Australia." 


Supporting customers

EnergyAustralia’s EnergyAssist program means the power won’t be disconnected and debt collection activities won’t be initiated. Residential customers on the program also have access to tailored payment plans, energy audits, information on grant programs and advice on energy usage. 

Through Rapid Business Assist, specialist advisors can discuss ways for EnergyAustralia’s small and medium-sized business customers to lower energy consumption, the government energy relief subsidies available, and options for tailored payment schedule.

Refitting blades to a gas turbine at Hallett power station in South Australia.