
January 27, 2022

EnergyAustralia’s Victorian customers will not pay more for the electricity they use in 2022.

The energy retailer today announced that prices for customers on electricity market rate contracts will be maintained at their current level. While standing offer tariffs are decreasing, these customers are encouraged to consider a market plan where households could save on average $162 more each year.  

Gas prices for market rate contracts will increase by around 4.7 per cent for an average1 Victorian household ($88 a year) and business ($336 a year) to come into effect 1 February 2022, which reflects the continued cost increase in buying and transporting gas around Australia. Meanwhile, there is no increase for gas customers on a standing offer tariff.

EnergyAustralia Chief Customer Officer Mark Brownfield said:

“Electricity market rates for our Victorian customers are being held at 2021 levels and there is a slight increase for gas customers.

“We understand how tough some households and businesses have had it the past two years with the bushfires and continued effects of the coronavirus pandemic. 

“EnergyAustralia continues to help get our customers back on their feet by offering tailored advice and support, such as payment plans and extensions. Customers worried about paying their bills are encouraged to make contact. Our people are in the wings ready to help out.”  


  • Based on the Essential Services Commission (ESC) final determination in November, residential electricity customers on a Victorian Default Offer will see their bills decrease on average by 5 per cent (6 per cent for small business). 
  • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, since the beginning of March 2020 in Victoria EnergyAustralia has provided almost 100,000 payment plans, 115,000 payment extensions and helped hundreds of residential customers access government grants that they didn’t realise were available.
  • Our specialist business advisors have also set up around 7,500 payment extensions, 1,500 payment plans, helped more than 1,300 businesses with cash flow and provided advice on lowering energy consumption and guidance on government energy relief subsidies.
  • EnergyAustralia’s EnergyAssist program supports around 24,000 residential customers in financial distress across Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

Based on an EnergyAustralia market plan, before applying any discount and excludes customers on fixed-rate plans.