
EnergyAustralia, one of the country’s largest energy retailers, notes speculation about the future of its Yallourn power station in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley.

The company’s position has not changed. To be clear:

  • Yallourn has coal reserves to 2032; EnergyAustralia has plans to run the plant through until that time and then rehabilitate the site.
  • We have always acknowledged that policy and market settings may impact this approach. For example, we are currently assessing the impact the introduction of a Victorian Renewable Energy Target would have on our business.
  • But, for so long as the Yallourn power station is needed, we will continue to invest in the plant and our people so our operations are as carbon-efficient as they can possibly be.

For many decades, Latrobe Valley coal mines and power stations have provided Victorians with reliable, affordable electricity. Now as we integrate cleaner forms of energy into the system, and major coal generation is retired over time, people have every right to expect an orderly transition.

Should our position on Yallourn change we will inform our people and the local communities which depend upon the plant.