Operations Updates

Operations Update - 20 October 2023-ARCHIVED

EnergyAustralia is working hard to deliver power into the NEM to support our customers.
20 Oct 2023
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Operations Update - 19 October 2023-ARCHIVED

We continue to provide good supply into the system for our 1.6 million customers.
19 Oct 2023
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Operations Update - 31 August 2023

EnergyAustralia is working hard to deliver power into the NEM to support our customers.
31 Aug 2023
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Operations Update - 30 August 2023

EnergyAustralia is delivering strong energy supply for customers, as it's Yallourn asset continues its major outage
30 Aug 2023
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Operations Update - 29 August 2023

EnergyAustralia continues to deliver strong supply
29 Aug 2023
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