Operations Updates

Operations Update - 26 September 2022

We're providing good energy supply with three units operating at Yallourn in Victoria and both units online at Mt Piper in New South Wales.
26 Sep 2022
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Operations Update - 21 September 2022

EnergyAustralia is providing good supply into the system. Three units are online at Yallourn in Victoria and both units are operating at full capacity at Mt Piper in New South Wales.
21 Sep 2022
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Operations Update - 20 September 2022

EnergyAustralia is providing good supply into the system with three out of four units online at Yallourn in Victoria. Both units at Mt Piper in New South Wales are operating at full capacity.
21 Sep 2022
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Operations Update - 19 September 2022

EnergyAustralia is providing good supply into the system to support our 1.6 million customers.
19 Sep 2022
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Operations Update - 16 September 2022

EnergyAustralia is balancing supply into the system with maintenance. Two of Yallourn's four units are offline for repairs while Mt Piper has both units in operation.
16 Sep 2022
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