
Questions to ask before moving to a smaller rental

Family moving

There are lots of reasons you may decide to move into a smaller rental home, whether you’re downsizing because your kids have moved out or you’re wanting a change in scenery. Even if you’ve moved plenty of times before, there’s lots to remember (or forget!) each time. To make sure things go smoothly, here are five questions you should ask before moving day.

  1. How can I keep track of everything I need to do?

Moving house is a lot more than just packing things in cardboard boxes. That’s why we’ve put together a printable four-week checklist to get you started with the move. Start working through this moving house checklist – we’ve broken tasks up into four per week – and you’ll be making a smart move in no time.

  1. What items should I sell before moving?

As your new home is smaller than your last, you’ll probably need to consider selling furniture. You could sell your second-hand furniture online, think about a garage sale or ask family and friends if they’d be interested in taking anything off your hands. One of the best ways to save money is to upgrade your outdated appliances, which could be costing you hundreds (if not thousands) in excess energy. By buying products with a good Energy Rating, you’ll be saving money in the long run. Read about energy saving tips for your new home here.

  1. When will the utilities be connected?

The sooner you tell your utility services that you’re moving, the sooner they’ll connect your electricity and gas at your new property. Give yourself 2-3 weeks to either reconnect or join new services. For your energy and gas, EnergyAustralia can guarantee to have you connected on the day you move in – or we’ll give you a $100 credit (terms and conditions apply).

  1. What does the average monthly bill cost?

If you’re paying bills at your current home, you should already have a good estimate of how much you’ll be paying at your new property. In fact, by downsizing, you should be able to save money every month! But don’t forget to consider factors like the energy efficiency of the new home (check out our energy saving tips). Check out our current plans to estimate what you could be paying in your new home.


 5. Does the property have solar power?

As a renter, finding a property with solar power already installed can be tricky, and if you want to install it yourself, you will need to work with your landlord. There are a lot of solar power systems to choose from, but if you’d prefer to simply support renewable energy through your electricity provider, EnergyAustralia has got a range of green energy plans available. 

Ask us how we can help

If you’ve asked (and answered) all of these questions, you are definitely a smart mover. EnergyAustralia has a range of electricity and gas plans to suit the needs of your new home, and if you’re an existing customer, you can arrange your move in just five minutes.