Better, simpler energy bills? Done.
All energy retailers are required to update their bill designs based on a bill design guideline set out by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
We’ve taken this opportunity to design a bill that meets this guideline, and we’ve also spoken to our customers to make sure our new bill design met their needs.
Although these changes don’t apply to Victorian bills, we’ve decided to apply the same simple design for our Victorian customers.
This is a major overhaul of our bills, so we hope this information will help you understand these changes.
About the bill
To help make your energy bill simpler and easier to understand, we’ve made some changes to how it looks.
This means you’ll find the most important information on the front page of the bill. The more detailed information can be found from pages 2 and onwards. This will be displayed more clearly into separate clearly labelled sections so you can find what you need more easily.
Your most-used information will be found on the first page of your bill. More detailed information can be found from page 2 onwards in a simpler format.
On the first page of the bill
Need to get in touch?
Here you’ll find the best ways to contact us for help or if you have an issue plus the number to call for streetlight or power failures (this will be your distribution company, which owns the poles, wires and pipes in your area).
Your bill amount and payment options
Here you’ll find the total amount due and the due date. If you pay by direct debit, your payment will be debited on the due date or according to your direct debit arrangements. You’ll also see a range of easy payment options to choose from.
Best offer message
You’ll see this message on the front of your bill. The message will be based on your energy usage over the past 12 months or an estimate if we don’t have 12 months’ usage. Even if you’ve recently switched to a new plan, you’ll get one of these messages. If we estimate you can save a minimum of $22 incl. GST a year, we’ll let you know. For more information go to 'Best offer message' FAQ section on this page
From page 2 onwards
Plan summary
This includes the name of your plan and lists any applicable benefits (e.g. discounts) and features (e.g. Go Neutral) of your plan.
Understanding your bill
This is where all the detail of your bill lives, including energy charges, credits if you have solar, credits applied for applicable discounts or concessions. Towards the lower part of this section, you’ll see your account summary and adjustments. At the bottom, you’ll see important messages relating to your bill such as a reminder that your energy rates have changed during the bill period.
Other information
This is where additional information you may need about your bill or if you need support. This includes information about your past usage, payment assistance, interpreter, hearing and speech impaired services and more.
You can find our bill guides here.
We have a useful bill guides page to help you get further information both in English and translated into other languages.
- Chat with us by clicking on the Need Help? button at the bottom of our home page or,
- For residential customers call us on 133 466 (Monday to Friday, 8.00am-7.00pm)
- For business customers call us on 1800 146 749 (Monday to Friday, 8.00am–6.30pm)
Outside of these hours?
Fill out our general enquiries form
Business customers
Your ABN can be found in the ‘Other messages’ section of the bill.

Your invoice number can be found on the of the bill.

Best offer message
You’ll see this message on the front of your bill. The message will be based on your electricity and gas usage over the past 12 months or an estimate if we don’t have 12 months’ usage. Even if you’ve recently switched to a new plan, you’ll get one of these messages. If we estimate you can save a minimum of $22 incl. GST a year, we’ll let you know.
Best offer messages on bill for NSW, ACT, SA and QLD customers
From 30 September 2023, all energy retailers in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland will see a best offer message on the front of their electricity and gas bills. For electricity customers in the Australian Capital Territory, the current best offer message will change to the new message and start to appear on gas bills.

Best offer messages on bill for VIC customers
In Victoria a best offer message was introduced on 1 July 2019. Customers will continue to see one of these messages in the new bill format.

It was introduced to help you understand if you’re on our best available priced plan or not. All energy retailers in NSW, ACT, SA and QLD are required to have these messages on their bills after 30 September 2023. In Victoria a best offer message was introduced on 1 July 2019.
If we have another plan that could save you more than $22 a year (including GST) then we’ll tell you. If not, we’ll let you know that you’re on our best available priced plan.
The message is calculated based on your energy usage over the past 12 months or an estimate if we don’t have 12 months’ usage. Even if you’ve recently switched to a new plan, you’ll get one of these messages. If we estimate you can save a minimum of $22 incl. GST a year, we’ll let you know.
If you’re an electricity customer on a demand tariff this will be included in the calculation. We’ll estimate demand charges based on your usage data, if available, or use the average demand charge of other demand customers in your distribution area. Demand charges can vary significantly and what you may pay will depend on how you use energy during the period when the demand charge applies.
Find out more about residential and business tariffs.
This means you’re on our best priced available plan, and we don’t have an alternative that can save you more than $22 incl. GST a year.
Yes. The message will either be that you’re on the best priced advertised plan with us, or that you could save an estimate of more than $22 (including GST) a year on one of our other best priced advertised plans.
If your circumstances change, you can still contact us to discuss other plan options.
The best offer message is calculated at a point in time, based on the plans we have available and an estimated usage information we have for you. Our available plans and your usage can both change.
Feel free to contact us and we can chat about your energy account needs.
The best offer message on the bill is calculated based on the plans we have available and an estimated usage information we have for you at the time the bill was issued. If rates change after this time, the calculation will include the new rates and offers for the next bill.
If you’re a new customer, you won’t see a better offer message until your first bill has been generated.