
EnergyAustralia, one of Australia’s leading energy companies, today launched Go Neutral, a new product that allows its residential customers to offset all the carbon emissions generated from the electricity they use – at no cost to them.

EnergyAustralia Executive – Energy Mark Collette said by selecting Go Neutral the average customer could offset around five tonnes of carbon emissions annually. It would be like them planting 25 trees each year and maintaining those trees for at least three decades.

“Go Neutral is a government-certified carbon neutral product, which means customers can offset emissions across the energy chain from the power source right to their home and all the parts in-between,” Mark said.

“When a customer selects Go Neutral they can, with just the click of a mouse, get coverage for all the emissions generated from the electricity they use at home, at no cost to them. It’s a hassle-free, easy and cost-effective way for EnergyAustralia customers to go carbon neutral.”

Mark said Go Neutral was available only to existing EnergyAustralia customers. “We think loyalty should be rewarded. When a customer commits to us we should commit to them.

“In fact, credit for the idea behind Go Neutral goes to our customers. They tell us they want to do their bit to help address climate change but it has to be simple and done in a way that puts them in control,” he said.

Research done by EnergyAustralia found 75% of people would choose a clean energy solution if it was in their budget. Also, customers said most “green” products currently available sounded very much alike and it was difficult to know which one would meet their needs.

When customers Go Neutral they’ll be helping support a range of high-quality emission reduction projects here and overseas, which could include managing bushfires in Australia’s outback, to planting trees to grow carbon stocks in Australia, to investing in renewable energy projects in developing countries.

“The more customers choose Go Neutral, the more EnergyAustralia will invest in projects that reduce carbon emissions. If all of our 1.4 million residential electricity customers join up, EnergyAustralia could invest up to $20 million over the first two years of the program,” Mark said.

“As part of our commitment, for every dollar we invest in carbon offsets overseas, we will match it with a dollar invested right here in Australia.”

Go Neutral is available immediately to all EnergyAustralia residential electricity customers as of 29 November 2016. Customers can opt-in by visiting People who become EnergyAustralia customers after 29 November can join the Go Neutral program after six months.