
EnergyAustralia is calling for new members to join its Waterloo Wind Farm Community Liaison Group (CLG) in the New Year.

The CLG was established by EnergyAustralia to better understand community views and expectations regarding its operations and project plans at Waterloo Wind Farm.

Already in its third year, the CLG is regularly attended by a group of local organisations and individuals who provide feedback on EnergyAustralia’s activities, receive updates and hear from experts on a range of topics including the environment, noise and Pygmy Blue Tongue Lizards.

EnergyAustralia’s South Australian Operations Manager Mike Clee said the CLG had been invaluable in helping to direct EnergyAustralia’s attention to community concerns and in providing advice on community priorities.  

“Through the CLG we have worked with local residents to address any concerns they’ve raised about our wind farm operations and to deliver initiatives such as our Waterloo Wind Farm Community Fund,” Mr Clee said.

“It’s satisfying to see how effective our CLG has been at giving a voice to the local community and allowing us to keep residents informed about our business.”

Mid North farmer Chris Mosey is a Waterloo landholder who attends CLG meetings to stay up to date with developments at the wind farm.

“I started going along to CLG meetings because I was sick and tired of hearing all the myths going around about wind farms,” Mr Mosey said.

“People should come along to these meetings to hear the facts, identify myths and come to their own conclusions.”

Fellow CLG member Sue Wurst, who is a former Clare and Gilbert Valley Council councillor, brings her broad understanding of the community to meetings. She is also involved with the Waterloo Community Fund, which offers grants to various local organisations each year.

“I’m amazed by the breadth of work done by EnergyAustralia in liaising with our community through these meetings,” Mrs Wurst said.

“It’s one of the best ways to get the facts, hear a whole range of viewpoints and be able to make up your own mind about wind farms.”   

If you would like to be part of our Community Liaison Group, either as a member or observer, please contact our independent facilitator Georgina House on (08) 8237 9600 or email

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