
EnergyAustralia statement on the Yallourn mine - 30 July 2021

EnergyAustralia welcomes the Victorian Government’s approval of water diversion activities that allows the company to complete a comprehensive damage assessment of the Morwell River Diversion, and to determine long-term repairs, following extreme flooding in June.
30 Jul 2021
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Applications open soon for EnergyAustralia’s Geelong Community Grants

Grants of up to $10,000 each are now available through EnergyAustralia’s Geelong Community Grants program. Now in its sixth year, the program supports community projects and initiatives within Geelong and the Western District that are focussed on improving education and social inclusion.

26 Jul 2021
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Pick, mix and save on household services with EnergyAustralia’s latest innovation

EnergyAustralia has launched an innovative product, Stack On, that allows eligible customers to save time and money by bundling a range of utility, data and insurance services and manage them all in one place.

16 Jul 2021
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Majority of energy prices to fall or remain steady

Average electricity rates for the majority of EnergyAustralia’s residential and business customers on a market contract in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland will fall for 2021/22, reflecting lower wholesale prices.
15 Jul 2021
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EnergyAustralia statement on the Yallourn mine - 29 June 2021

EnergyAustralia today assures the Latrobe Valley community that approval to discharge waters into the Latrobe river will be conducted in accordance with strict environmental conditions set by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), and that the impact to water quality is expected to be negligible. 
29 Jun 2021
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